Design And Development of Overheat Detector based on Arduino Mega On Four-Wheeled Vehicle Brake System
Overload, Overheat, Type-K High Temperature Sensor, Arduino Mega, Brake System TrainerAbstract
The aim of this research is to design a motor vehicle braking system
trainer, so that it can be used as a test site for overheating detection
devices in the brake system. The preparation of the design concept is
divided into two designs, namely the designof the braking trainer and
also the design of the software application in the form of asimulation of
an overheating detection system. The stages of sensor installation are
carried outto the setting and installation of the heat detection sensor
is in accordance with the systemplan that has been made, while the
placement of the sensor is intended to detect heat from the front and rear
braking systems. Programming is also carried out using Arduino
software to program the input obtained from the sensor so that it can be
displayed on the monitor display. Based on this, a prototype for
detecting the brake system for four-wheeled motorized vehicles based
on Arduino Mega can be produced. temperature. The four sensors used
are able to provide data input and serve as a thermal reference for the
conditions of the front and rear brakes, both from brake lining thermals
and brake fluid thermals. This prototype also needs further development
to be applied to real vehicles and to be able to determine the most
effective location for the sensor so that it can provide the best
information to the driver.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Budi Sulistyo; Tumiran Anang Cundoko; Benny Dwifa, Riz Rifai Oktavianus Sasue
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